

Frozen Fruit

Cape Gooseberries x 250g malta Cape Gooseberries x 250g malta Cape Gooseberries x 250g malta Cape Gooseberries x 250g malta

Cape Gooseberries x 250g

Not Available for Delivery. Collection Direct from Stores

Product Code: CF203630

A company that is proud of its catch phrase 'From the Land to your Plate', Capfruit must ensure that all its criteria regarding the cultivation and selection of the fruits we use are upheld by every one of our partners.

We then have to guarantee our customers that every step in the processing of this fruit, whether into chunks, purées or coulis, is carried out in conditions of irreproachable hygiene.

Approved fruits

This step consists of checking that every aspect of the technical specifications drawn up with our suppliers has been adhered to.


Our technology is based on low temperature processing of the fruit to retain its complex structure and avoid any loss of aroma, the development of germs and eventual oxidization.

Quality control

Our internal quality control laboratory is responsible for controlling all the raw materials and packaging, the production process and the finished product. It is therefore involved at every step during the life of a product. Batteries of microbiologic organoleptic and physicochemical tests are carried out by the laboratory.

Capfruit also calls on independent laboratories to carry out specific analyses such as testing for heavy metals, radioactivity or pesticides.

Out of stock
Price: € 4.85

Souvenir of Brazil


Chef: Pierre Jouvaud


1 - Russian Biscuit

Tant pour tant Amande 570 g

Egg yolks 230 g

egg 150 g

Farine type 45/50 g

Caster sugar 50 g

Egg whites 345 g


Using an electric beater, mix together the tant pour tant almond mixture, the egg yolks, the whole eggs and the flour. Delicately incorporate some of the beaten egg whites to lighten the mixture. Whip up the remaining egg white and sugar into a firm meringue mixture, and then gradually add the tant for tant mixture into the meringue. Spread the biscuit onto a Silpat to

obtain a smooth sheet. Cook in a fan oven at 190°C/374°F for 20 – 25 minutes. Once the biscuit has cooled, cut it into 3 cm /1 ¼ in. wide strips.


2 - Ground almonds

Sugar 800 g

Egg whites 200 g

Almonds 400 g

Mix all the ingredients together.


3 - Almond Biscuit

Broyage Amande 400 g

egg 180g

Egg yolks 300 g

Caster sugar 160 g

Egg whites 600 g

Flour type 45 480 g

Caster sugar 180 g


Beat together the egg yolks, whole eggs, sugar and the ground almonds you have prepared in a mixer. Once the mixture is light and fluffy, add about a third of the flour and continue

beating on low speed to fully incorporate the flour. Make a stiff meringue with the egg whites and sugar. Tip the first mixture into the meringue with the remaining flour. Work the mixture

well so that the meringue collapses. Three-quarter fill stainless steel circles 6 cm / 2 3/8 in. and 20 cm / 7 ¾ in in diameter. Cook in a fan-assisted oven at 185°C/365°F for around 90

minutes. Once the biscuit has cooled, remove it from its tin and cut into circles 0.5 cm / 1/5 in. high.


4 - Passion Fruit Cream

Fruit'Elite "Vintage" Passion fruit yellow Grenadilla frozen puree 420g

Half and half cream 1080g

Caster sugar 165g

Egg yolks 225g

Cream powder 40 g

Gélatine poudre 150 Bloom 15 g

Soak the gelatine in five times its own volume of water. Bring the passion fruit purée to the boil in one pan, and the cream in another. Beat together the egg yolks, the sugar and the

powdered cream and then tip the boiling Fruit’Eite “Vintage” yellow Grenadilla Passion fruit from the Ivory Coast Puree Capfruit onto this mixture. Finally add the mixture to the boiling

cream, and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens. Do not allow it to boil. Add the gelatine. Put stainless steel circular moulds 3 cm / 1/2 in. high and 22 cm / 8 ½ in. in diameter on a stainless-steel sheet covered first with a layer of plastic and then with strips of the Russian biscuit. Half fill the circular moulds with the hot cream mixture, and top with a circle of the almond biscuit before putting them in the freezer.


5 - Praline Crackers with Puffed Rice

Puffed rice 390 g

Almond praline 645 g

Noiselia 415g

Couverture lait 330 g

Carambole 1

Fruit'Déco Cape gooseberry frozen 1

Green pistachios 10


Delicately mix together the ingredients over a gentle heat. Garnish the entremets with this mixture. Top the entremet with a circle of lining dough measuring 20 cm / 7 7/8 in. diameter.

Spray coat with milk chocolate and freeze.


Once the entremet is completely frozen, tip it upside down, remove the plastic and mould. Glaze with neutral mirror glaze with just a touch of caramel to colour it. Decorate with slices of starfruit, Fruit'Deco Cape Gooseberries Capfruit, tiny chocolate balls and pistachio nuts. Serve chilled.



Kiwi dessert platter



Chef: David Ducamp


1 - Kiwi jelly

Fruit'Purée Kiwi frozen 386 g

Sugar 39g

Agar agar 8 g


Mix together the Fruit’Purée Kiwi, sugar and agar-agar. Bring to the boil. Whirl with a blender. Pour onto a 60 X 40 cm/23 x 15 in. baking sheet, covered with greaseproof paper. Set aside in the refrigerator. Cut as required.


2 - Sorbet syrup

Water 267 g

Sugar 147 g

60 D.E. Glucose syrup 165 g

Invert sugar or trimoline 44 g

Sorbet stabilizer 6g

Sugar 18g


Heat the water, sugar (1), glucose syrup and invert sugar. In another bowl, mix the stabilizer and the sugar (2). When the liquid just starts to boil, add the second mixture and bring back to the boil.


3 - Sorbet kiwi

Fruit'Purée Kiwi frozen 773 g

Sirop pour sorbet 627 g

Water 145g

Mix all the ingredients and churn.


4 - Earl Grey mousse

Whole milk 28 g

Thé Earl Grey 3 g

Gelatin 1g

Sugar 6g

Egg whites 14 g

Atomised glucose 14 g

Whipping cream 57 g


Put the Earl Grey tea in the whole milk. Heat to 90°C/194°F. Leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Strain. Add the well-soaked gelatine and then the sugar. Whip the egg whites and atomized glucose until stiff. Fold the whipped cream into the first mixture and then gently fold in the meringue.


5 - Cocoa crumble

Sugar 24 g

Flour 24 g

Almond powder 12 g

Butter 24g

Gruée 10 g


Mix together all the ingredients. Spread onto a 60 x 40 cm/24 x16 in. baking sheet. Freeze. Cut into cubes. Cook at 170°C/338°F for 20 minutes.


6 - Raspberry Coulis

Fruit'Coulis Raspberry frozen 62g


7 - Decoration

Fruit'Déco Cape gooseberry frozen QS

Fruit'Déco Redcurrant Red cluster frozen QS

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