

Frozen Fruit

Orange Zest x 500g malta Orange Zest x 500g malta Orange Zest x 500g malta

Orange Zest x 500g

Not Available for Delivery. Collection Direct from Stores

Product Code: CF194900

A company that is proud of its catch phrase 'From the Land to your Plate', Capfruit must ensure that all its criteria regarding the cultivation and selection of the fruits we use are upheld by every one of our partners.

We then have to guarantee our customers that every step in the processing of this fruit, whether into chunks, purées or coulis, is carried out in conditions of irreproachable hygiene.

Approved fruits

This step consists of checking that every aspect of the technical specifications drawn up with our suppliers has been adhered to.


Our technology is based on low temperature processing of the fruit to retain its complex structure and avoid any loss of aroma, the development of germs and eventual oxidization.

Quality control

Our internal quality control laboratory is responsible for controlling all the raw materials and packaging, the production process and the finished product. It is therefore involved at every step during the life of a product. Batteries of microbiologic organoleptic and physicochemical tests are carried out by the laboratory.

Capfruit also calls on independent laboratories to carry out specific analyses such as testing for heavy metals, radioactivity or pesticides.

Out of stock
Price: € 9.50

Lamb and Apricot Rolls with Potato and Orange Foam


Chef: Benoît Molin


1 - Hot potato and orange foam

Potato 500 g

Milk 30cl

Butter 75 g

Fruit'Zest Orange frozen 1 Tablespoon

Coarse salt QS

Salt QS

Cook the potatoes in their skins at a gentle simmer. Heat the milk and orange zests in a second saucepan. Once cooked, remove the skins from the potatoes, and place in a liquidizer with the hot milk and the butter. Check the seasoning. The mixture should have a ribbon consistency. Put into a siphon with two gas canisters. Shake well and keep warm over a bain-marie.


2 - Lamb carpaccio marinated with marjoram

Lamb carpaccio 6 Slice(s)

Olive oil QS

Fresh marjoram 3 Tablespoon

Lemon 0.5

Sel et Poivre du moulin QS

You will need one slice of lamb to serve two people. Cut the remaining lamb into cubes. Brush with olive oil and season with the marjoram, salt and pepper. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator. Add the lemon juice just before assembly of your dish.


3 - Apricot and goat cheese mousse

Gelatin sheet 2

Yoghurt 50g

Fresh goat's cheese 50 g

Liquid cream 20cl

Fruit'Purée Apricot frozen 10cl

Soften the gelatine in cold water and then squeeze out the excess water. Blend together the yoghurt and the goat cheese. Heat a little of the apricot Fruit’Purée and dissolve the gelatine in this; then add the remaining apricot Fruit’Purée. Add the yoghurt-goat cheese mix to the cooled purée preparation. Whip up the cream and incorporate into the mixture. Pour into cylinders of acetate wrap. Deep freeze for at least 3 hours.


4 - Parmesan shavings


Remove the Apricot and Goat Cheese Mousse from its wrapping. Cover in the marinated lamb slices. Return them to the freezer to firm up before cutting them into slices. When you are ready to serve, fill a spoon with the hot Potato and Orange Foam and top with a slice of the thawed lamb and apricot rolls. Finish with a parmesan shaving and a tiny sprig of marjoram.



Diver Sea Scallops scented with Vanilla, Citrus and Spices, Caramelized Belgian Endive, Preserved Cherries, Mache and Mint


Chef:Carrie Nahabedian


1 - Saint-Jacques

Scallops 16

Citrus powder with vanilla 4

Olive oil 3 Tablespoon

Butter 3 Tablespoon

Bunch of lamb's lettuce 2

Cheriies in syrup QS

Salt and pepper QS

Sugar 1 Teaspoon

Beurre blanc QS

Season the Scallops with salt and Cracked Black Pepper. Sear in a hot pan with the Olive Oil until golden on one side. Before turning over, sprinkle generously with the Citrus Powder on each side. Cook until medium rare. Set aside and keep warm. Heat the Butter until bubbling in a separate pan. Add the endive, season with salt and pepper. Cook over high heat until wilted. Add a teaspoon of sugar and sauté until caramelized.


2 - Beurre blanc

Fruit'Purée Red sour cherry frozen 2 Tablespoon

White wine 2 Tablespoon

Sliced shallots 1 Teaspoon

Thick cream 2 Tablespoon

Soft butter 227 g

Reduce the wine in a small saucepot with the shallots until only 1 tablespoonful of liquid remains. Add the Red sour cherry Fruit’Purée and the double cream and bring to the boil.

Remove from the heat and slowly whisk in the soft butter until the sauce is emulsified. Season to taste with salt and white pepper.


3 - Citrus Vanilla Powder

Gousse de vanille fendue dans la longueur 1

Star anise 2

Green cardomom seed 0.25 Tablespoon

Cayenne pepper 0.125 Tablespoon

Fennel seeds 0.25 Tablespoon

Anise seeds 0.25 Tablespoon

Zestes (sans la peau blanche) de 2 pamplemousses

Fruit'Zest Orange frozen 50 g

Fruit'Zest Lemon frozen 50g

Fruit'Zest Lime frozen 50 g

Place all items on a tray and leave to dry for 2 days. Grind to a fine powder in a spice grinder.


4 - Dried Asian pear Apple

Nashi minced with skin 1

Sprinkle with sumac, fennel seeds, anise seeds, fleur de sel and Olive Oil. Place on a silpat tray in the dehydrator until crisp. Will be used for the garnish.


5 - Preserved Cherries

Griottine cherries 453 g

Sugar 237g

Water 237 g

Port 1.0 Tablespoon

Star anise 2

Cinammon stick 0.5

Gousse de vanille fendue 1

Green cardomom seed 1

Place the Griottines and sugar in a heavy saucepan and heat over medium high heat. Once the sugar starts to melt, dissolve and allow to bubble, add the Port. Reduce for one minute and then add the water. Bring to the boil, add the spices, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. The cherries should be coated in the syrup. Remove the spices and chill. Cherry “Leather” Mix the cherry mixture well to blend together the solids and liquids. Cook over medium heat to reduce and thicken. Pass through a fine sieve. On a silpat spread 237 g / 8 oz. of the cherry mixture in a thin layer. Dry for two days in a dehydrator oven until soft and pliable. The cherry “Leather” should be rolled in parchment paper and plastic to keep it soft.


In 8 bowls, evenly distribute the endive. Wrap the Cherry “leather” around each scallop and place two in each bowl. Garnish with a chiffonade of mint, a sprig of lamb’s lettuce and a generous spoonful of beurre blanc garnished with the preserved cherries. Finish with a dried asian pear apple slice.

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